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Yıldız, A., Özerim, G. (2013) “Corporate Social Responsibility in the European Context”. In Turker, D., Toker, H. (Ed.). Contemporary Issues in Corporate Social Responsibility. USA: Lexington Books.

Yıldız, A. (2013). “Theoretical Analysis of Turkey-EU relations after the Lisbon Treaty: Alignment through ‘Europeanization’ or ‘Differentiated Integration’?”. In Hursoy, S. Turkey’s Quest for the EU: Membership Towards 2023. Izmir: Ege University Publications.

Oskam, A., Longworth N., Yıldız, A.  (June 2005). “Turkey’s Economy and Regional Income Distribution”. in Oskam, A. and Burrell, A. (eds). Turkey in the European Union: Implications for Agricultural, Food, and Structural Policy. UK: CABI Publications.

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Siviş, S. and Yıldız, A. (2023). Constructions of Multi-layered Deservingness Frames Towards Refugees in İzmir’s Everyday Work Life. Journal of Refugee Studies. DOI: 10.1093/jrf/fead035.  (SSCI)

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Yıldız, A. (2021). “Brexit, Göç ve Avrupa Bütünleşme Süreci” / Brexit, Migration and European Integration Process.. Ankara Avrupa Çalışmaları Dergisi, 20, Special issue on Brexit, 69-94. (ESCI)

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Yıldız, A. ve Bartan, A. (2020). Turkish Japanese Joint Research on Migration“(Workshop report), ISBN: 978-975-6339-79-4

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